Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Does He Have To Say? Part II

On the first part of my 2-part blog post on “What Does He Have To Say?” I introduced to you the background of how my opinions are in between the divorce drama. It is so because as much as I would like to acknowledge what my faith says rightly about divorce, I cannot ignore my attitude of weighing and balancing the other side of the story. (Yes, I am a Libra haha!) Although divorce is something that God abhors, the discrepancy of having a condition that is it only lawful when fornication is committed puzzles me. More so, I acknowledge that some marriages are impossible to mend already and that divorce is a solution that could free them of the misery the failed relationship has caused.

Since I am here to battle with myself on what stand to take and at the same time, weigh a side that opposes the divorce bill (whose opinions are heavily based on morality and religion), here’s an in-depth discussion of Jesus’ 4 points on divorce. As a review, Jesus taught that first, God created one man for one woman. Second, marriage is a strong bond. Third, it makes the two one flesh. And fourth, marriage is a work of God.

God created one man for one woman. (Matthew 19:4) God created Adam and Eve. That was it. He did not create another woman for Adam or another man for Even. He did not create for them, which obviously is applicable to all of us, spares, options or alternative. Just because it could be that people may encounter “options” through the course of their lives, it still does not change God’s intention. Thus divorce was and is not an option.

Marriage is a strong bond. Matthew 19:5 says, “and said, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wide, and the two shall become one flesh.” The word “joined” means to have a bond that cannot be broken. He created one man for one woman to have an indissoluble union—no spare, no divorce.

Marriage makes the two one flesh. “So then they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined, let not man separate” says Matthew 19:6. The verse is very straightforward in its intent, which sensibly states that you can never divide what is one.

Marriage is a work of God. Matthew 19:6 simply tells us that what God puts together, just like any of his creations, do not divorce. Especially marriage, which is an institution ordained by God.

So many opinions, including seeking for what God has to say, definitely shakes everyone’s thoughts on divorce—I know for a fact, it shakes mine. The exceptional clause of fornication definitely gave my blurry stand on divorce a run for its money but by the end of David B. Curtis’s preaching, it became clearer now what God’s real take on divorce is and here’s what he had to say, “Adultery or fornication committed after a contract, being detected before marriage, giveth just occasion to the innocent party to dissolve that contract (Matthew 1:18-20). In the case of adultery after marriage, it is lawful for the innocent party to sue out a divorce (Matthew 5:31, 32) and after the divorce, to marry another, as if the offending part were dead (Matthew 19:9, Roman 7:2,3). This is divorce with biblical grounds.

Isn’t it so amazing that no matter how many centuries ago the Bible was written, its teachings could still be applied to this modern time no matter what the situation calls for? The Bible couldn’t be anymore specific on what it has to say on divorce. So what do you have to say?


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