What is better than proposing a cure to a social illness? It is being proactive and preventing that social illness. But that might be too late for separated couples already because the damage has been done. So this blog post is for every single man and woman out there aspiring to be married in the future, and prevent becoming one those couples that add to increasing statistics of separated, annulled or divorced couples. Here are tips that I gathered, or ingredients rather that could help strengthen and make marriage happy and last, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer.
Many a time, marriages start to deteriorate because one or both spouses change and they cannot accept it. One tip is to change yourself. People also have the belief that they can change the person they marry into become their “perfect” mate. But instead, you have to accept that your spouse is who he or she is. Instead of turning around his/her personality, learn to adapt to it and provide support and encouragement for changes you want to see.
Communication, as with every kind of relationship, is the key ingredient to a successful marriage. And that most certainly does not mean bottling up your feelings and keeping a grudge against your spouse that could one day burst out and break your relationship for good. Keep communication lines open and respect what each one has to say.
Intimacy is an ingredient in marriage that should not be taken for granted. After all, you are married to a person you love and are meant to share your whole life with so you have to let go of your inhibitions. Intimacy is one way of getting closer.
Accept the flaws of your spouse. No one is perfect so you have to appreciate the bad traits that come along with your spouse. Often, people are clouded by the negative perceptions they have towards others and this is not healthy especially for marriage. It may sound too cliché but yes, there is good in everyone and you should learn to weight that.
Make sure to choose your battles wisely. If you are going to pick an argument at something, make sure that it really matters and is worth the time, tension, negativity and… yelling. Unfortunately, unresolved arguments are a big issue in marriages that lead to divorce. Therefore, unless the issue is significant, learn to shake it off. You wouldn’t want to let the small, insignificant issues make you lose your spouse forever.
Never take your spouse for granted. Life is too precious and the traits, attitudes and talents that come along with people should be appreciated.
Go on dates. Yes, dates. Like how you got to know each other; having dinners at restaurants, even a short morning walk, short trips abroad, watch a movie or Broadway musical. Always have time not only for your family but also alone with your husband or wife.
Finally, be a forgiving and compassionate husband or wife. You will be faced with tough times and you have a choice of scarring your marriage with those problems or forgive them for their mistakes. You cannot say that marriage has no room for mistakes because problems are a test of how strong your marriage is. If resolution is found, swallow your pride and forgive your spouse. Let the new day be another beginning.
Reference: http://marriage.families.com/blog/tentipsforahappymarriage
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